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Macaroni products and Russian market of macaroni products: forecast for 2013-2015 (артикул: 15577 30010)

Дата выхода отчета: 12 Марта 2013
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования: 2013-2015
Количество страниц: 361
Язык отчета: Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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  • Полное описание отчета

    Subject of research: MARKET OF MACARONI PRODUCTS
    Regions of research: RUSSIA AND REGIONS OF RUSSIA

    Main blocks of research: 





















    The market is segmented:








    The largest players on the market of macaroni products, researched:





    The largest enterprises with profiles:






    Production volumes, financial activities data, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, cash-flow statements, the subsidiaries and other data about these main companies were presented.

    Information sources used:

    Federal State Statistics Service

    Economic Development Ministry

    Federal Customs Service

    Federal Tax Service

    Field expert evaluations

    Retail sale reports

    Materials of the field’s main players

    Field print and electronic publications

    Research contains 102 schedule, 106 diagrams, 133 tables and 2 schemes.


    Volume of the Russian market of macaroni products in 2012 amounted to *,* mln tons. Compared to the previous year the growth of 44,3 ths tons or *,8% was marked. The main volume of the Russian market of macaroni products in 2012 according to analysts of Intesco Research Group, belonged to domestic products (*%). Import content on the domestic market in 2012 was equal to about *%.

    In 2010-2012 Russian production of macaroni products increased by *1%, or *20,8 ths tons in physical terms. Thus, by 2012 volume of these goods production amounted to *,* ths tons, that was *% more, than in the previous year.

    In 2012 structure of the Russian macaroni production products by types about one third belonged to fancy macaroni products (**%).Almost one fifth of total Russian macaroni production products was formed by vermicelli production (**%). 3% less belonged to elbows in this structure. Production of macaroni and bows in 2012 had the shares of *% and *5% respectively.

    Dynamics of the volume of the Russian macaroni products import since 2009 showed a growth.Thus, in 2011 import of these products to Russia amounted to ** ths tons, that was 1*% more, than in the previous year and was 2,7 ths tons more than the maximal one in the pre-crisis period (2007). In 2012 according to analysts of Intesco Research Group, Russia consumed ** ths tons of foreign macaroni products 11% more, than in 2011.

    In 2012, according to analysts of Intesco Research Group, the largest share of imported supplies of macaroni products was represented by goods of Italian production **%. About *2% belonged to Vietnam in the structure of macaroni products import by countries. 1% less belonged to Korean products.

    In 2012 shares of import supplies from China and Ukraine differed with 1%: *% and *% respectively.

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта



    1.1.Population of Russia

    Number of population

    The laregst cities

    Social stabdards of living dynamics

    Economic activity

    1.2.Economic situation

    Dynamics of economy develpment

    Stability of the state budget

    1.3.Position of Russia in the world

    Share of RF in the world population


    2.1.Definition of macaroni products

    2.2.History of macaroni products

    2.3.Classification of macaroni products

    2.4.Classification of macaroni products by ARCP

    2.5.Classification of macaroni products by ARCPEA

    2.6.Classification of macaroni products by FEA CN



    4.1.Dynamics of retail sales of macaroni products by years

    4.2.Dynamics of retail sales of macaroni products by quarters

    4.3.Structure of macaroni products retail sales by federal districts of RF

    4.4.The largest regions of RF by retail sales of macaroni products

    4.5.Regional structure of macaroni products retail sales


    5.1.Dynamics of the volume of macaroni products market

    5.2.Import content on the Russian market of macaroni products

    5.3.Dynamics of import content on the market of macaroni products

    5.4.Per capita consumption of macaroni products


    6.1.By types of macaroni products

    6.2.By groups of macaroni products

    6.3.By classes of macaroni products

    6.4.By methods of macaroni products packing

    6.5.By price ranges macaroni products

    6.6.By technology of macaroni products production


    7.1.Import in demand

    7.2.Financial crisis impact

    7.3.Attraction of consumers


    Accession of Russia into WTO


    9.1.Shares of the largest companies on the Russian market

    In cost terms

    In physical terms

    9.2.«Makfa» JSC

    History of the company

    Brands of the company

    9.3.«Infolink» GC («SI Group»)

    History of the company

    Brands of the company

    9.4.«1-ya MAKARONNAYA Kompaniya» (GC « Ecooffice»)

    History of the company

    Brands of the company

    9.5.Obedinenie «SoyuzPisheprom»

    History of the company

    Brands of the company


    10.1.Wheat flour in general

    Wheat flour production by years

    Structure of wheat flour production by types

    10.2.Wheat flour of the highest grade

    Production of wheat flour of the highest grade by years

    Production of flour of the highest grade by months

    Dynamics of the highest grade flour production in federal districts of RF

    Structure of the highest grade flour production by federal districts of RF

    Dynamics of the highest grade flour production in regions of RF

    Regional structure of the highest grade flour production

    10.3.Wheat flour of the first grade

    Wheat flour production of the first grade by years

    Wheat flour production of the first grade by months

    Dynamics of the first grade flour production in federal districts of RF

    Structure of the first grade flour production by federal districts of RF

    Dynamics of the first grade flour production in regions of RF

    Regional structure of the first grade flour production


    11.1.Employment of industrial capacity

    11.2.Dynamics of the Russian production of macaroni products by years

    11.3.Structure of the Russian production of macaroni products by types of products

    11.4.Volumes of the Russian production of macaroni products by federal districts

    11.5.Structure of the Russian production of macaroni products by federal districts

    11.6.Volumes of the Russian production of macaroni products by regions

    11.7.Structure of the Russian production of macaroni products by regions



    Dynamics of the Russian production of macaroni by years

    Volumes of macaroni production by federal districts of RF

    Structure of macaroni production by federal districts

    Volumes of macaroni production by regions of RF

    Structure of macaroni production by regions

    12.2.Fancy macaroni products

    Dynamics of the Russian production of fancy macaroni products by years

    Production volumes of fancy macaroni products by federal districts

    Production structure of fancy macaroni products by federal districts

    Production volumes of fancy macaroni products by regions

    Production structure of fancy macaroni products by regions


    Dynamics of the Russian production of elbows by years

    Production volumes of elbows by federal districts

    Production structure of elbows by federal districts

    Production volumes of elbows by regions

    Production structure of elbows by regions


    Dynamics of the Russian production of bows by years

    Production volumes of bows by federal districts

    Production structure of bows by federal districts

    Production volumes of bows by regions

    Production structure of bows by regions

    12.5.Other macaroni products of wheat flour

    Dynamics of the Russian production of other macaroni products by years

    Production volumes of other macaroni products by federal districts

    Production structure of other macaroni products by federal districts

    Production volumes of other macaroni products by regions

    Production structure of other macaroni products by regions


    13.1.Dynamics of the Russian production of vermicelli by years

    13.2.Structure of the Russian production of vermicelli by types

    13.3.Russian production of short vermicelli

    Dynamics of short vermicelli production by years

    Production volumes of short vermicelli by federal districts

    Structure of the Russian production of short vermicelli by federal districts

    Production volumes of short vermicelli by regions

    Structure of the Russian production of short vermicelli by regions

    13.4.Russian production of long vermicelli

    Dynamics of long vermicelli production by years

    Production volumes of long vermicelli by federal districts

    Production structure of long vermicelli by federal districts

    Production volumes of long vermicelli by regions

    Production structure of long vermicelli by regions


    14.1.Dynamics of the Russian noodles production by years

    14.2.Structure of the Russian noodles production by types

    14.3.Production short noodles

    Dynamics of the Russian production of short noodles by years

    Volumes of the Russian production of short noodles by federal districts

    Structure of the Russian production of short noodles by federal districts

    Volumes of the Russian production of short noodles by regions

    Structure of the Russian production of short noodles by regions

    14.4.Production of long noodles

    Dynamics of the Russian production of long noodles by years

    Volumes of the Russian production of long noodles by federal districts

    Structure of the Russian production of long noodles by federal districts

    Volumes of the Russian production of long noodles by regions

    Structure of the Russian production of long noodles by regions


    15.1.Production of instant macaroni products

    Dynamics of the Russian production of instant macaroni products production by years

    Volumes of the Russian production of instant macaroni products production by federal districts

    Structure of the Russian production of instant macaroni products production by federal districts

    Volumes of the Russian production of instant macaroni products production by regions

    Structure of the Russian production of instant macaroni products production by regions

    15.2.Production of stuffed macaroni products


    16.1.Macaroni products (in general)

    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Production structure by the largest enterprises

    Sales revenues of the largest enterprises


    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Production structure by the largest enterprises

    Sales revenues of the largest enterprises


    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Production structure by the largest enterprises

    Sales revenues the largest enterprises

    16.4.Long tubular macaroni products

    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Production structure by the largest enterprises

    Sales revenues of the largest enterprises


    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Production structure by the largest enterprises

    Sales revenues of the largest producers of vermicelli


    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Production structure by the largest enterprises

    Sales revenues of the largest enterprises

    16.7.Fancy macaroni products

    Production volumes of the largest enterprises

    Production structure by the largest enterprises

    Sales revenues of the largest enterprises


    17.1.Export of macaroni products in general

    Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products in general

    Dynamics of the Russian export of macaroni products by years

    Dynamics of the Russian export of macaroni products by months

    Volume of the Russian export of macaroni products by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products by countries of destination

    17.2.Export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed or not cooked, containing eggs

    Dynamics of the Russian export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs by years

    Dynamics of the Russian export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs by months

    Volume of the Russian export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs by countries of destination

    17.3.Export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked

    Dynamics of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by years

    Dynamics of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by months

    Volume of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by countries of destination

    17.4.Export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise

    Dynamics of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by years

    Dynamics of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by months

    Volume of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by countries of destination


    18.1.Import of macaroni products in general

    Structure of the Russian import of macaroni products in general

    Dynamics of the Russian import of macaroni products by years

    Dynamics of the Russian import of macaroni products by months

    Volumes of the Russian import of macaroni products by countries of origin

    Structure of the Russian import of macaroni products by countries of origin

    18.2.Import of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise

    Dynamics of the Russian import of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by years

    Dynamics of the Russian import of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by months

    Volumes of the Russian import of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by countries of origin

    Structure of the Russian import of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by countries of origin

    18.3.Import of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked

    Dynamics of the Russian import of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by years

    Dynamics of the Russian import of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by months

    Volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by countries of origin

    Structure of the Russian import of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by countries of destination

    18.4.Import of other macaroni products

    Dynamics of the Russian import of other macaroni products by years

    Dynamics of the Russian import of other macaroni products by months

    Volumes of the Russian import of other macaroni products by countries of origin

    Structure of the Russian import of other macaroni products by countries of origin

    18.5.Import of cuscus

    Dynamics of the Russian cuscus import by years

    Dynamics of the Russian cuscus import by months

    Volume of the Russia cuscus import by countries of origin

    Structure of the Russian cuscus import by countries of origin


    19.1.Macaroni products (in general)

    Dynamics of average producer prices for macaroni products by years

    Dynamics of average producer prices for macaroni products by months


    Dynamics of average producer prices for vermicelli by years

    Dynamics of average producer prices for vermicelli by months


    Dynamics of average producer prices for elbows by years

    Dynamics of average producer prices for elbows by months

    19.4.Fancy macaroni products

    Dynamics of average producer prices for fancy macaroni products by months


    20.1.Macaroni products made of wheat flour of the highest grade

    Dynamics of average retail prices for macaroni products by years

    Dynamics of average retail prices for macaroni products by months


    Dynamics of average retail prices for vermicelli by years

    Dynamics of average retail prices for vermicelli by months


    21.1.The share of Russians buying macaroni products

    21.2.Preferences by brads and types of macaroni products

    21.3.Frequency of buying and consumption of macaroni products

    21.4.Average volume of macaroni products purchases

    21.5.Places of macaroni products purchases

    21.6.Selection criteria of macaroni products

    21.7.Selection criteria of packed macaroni products

    21.8.Consumer preferences of macaroni products in Moscow


    22.1. «MAKFA» JSC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement


    22.3. «EXTRA M» JSC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement


    22.4. «MELNIK» JSC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement




  • Перечень приложений

    List of schedules

    1. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths people

    2. Dynamics of actual household disposable income in Russia in 2000-2010, %

    3. Forecast of the ratio of demographic load dynamics in 2011-2033

    4. Dynamics of number of employed and unemployed people in RF in 2006-2010, ths people

    5. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by FD of RF in 2006-2010, %

    6. Dynamics of GDP of RF in prices of 2008 in2001-2011, billion rubles

    7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2001-2010

    8. Surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2010, %

    9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF 2001-2010

    10. Dynamics of the Russian external debt structure by the main sectors in 2001-2010, %

    11. Consumer prices index in RF 2001-2010, %

    12. Share of RF in the population of the world in 2000-2010 and forecast until 2100

    13. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2000-2010 and forecast for 2011-2016, %

    14. Dynamics of retail sales of macaroni products in Russia in 2009-2011, mln rubles

    15. Dynamics of retail sales of macaroni products by quarters in 2009-2012, mln rubles

    16. Dynamics of retail sales of macaroni products in the largest federal districts in 2009-2011, mln rubles

    17. Dynamics of retail sales of macaroni products by regions in 2009-2011, ths rubles

    18. Dynamics of the volume of Russian macaroni products market in 2010-2012*, tons

    19. Dynamics of per capita consumption of macaroni products in Russia, kg/person

    20. Dynamics of the Russian production of the first and the highest grades flour in 2009-2012*, ths tons

    21. Dynamics of the Russian production of flour of the highest grade in 2009-2012*, ths tons

    22. Dynamics of the volume of Russian flour of the highest grade production by months in 2009-2012*, tons

    23. Dynamics of flour production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2009-2012, tons

    24. Dynamics of the Russian production of the first grade flour in 2009-2012*, ths tons

    25. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian first grade flour production by months in 2009-2012*, tons

    26. Capacity utilization of macaroni products production in RF in 2010-2011, %

    27. Dynamics of the Russian production of macaroni products in 2010-2012*, tons

    28. Dynamics of macaroni products production in general in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    29. Dynamics of macaroni products production in general in the main regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    30. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian macaroni production in 2010-2012*, tons

    31. Dynamics of macaroni production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    32. Dynamics of macaroni production in the main regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    33. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian fancy macaroni products production in 2010-2012, tons

    34. Dynamics of fancy macaroni products production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    35. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian elbows production in 2010-2012*, tons

    36. Dynamics of elbows production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    37. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian bows production in 2010-2012*, tons

    38. Dynamics of bows production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    39. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian other macaroni products made of wheat flour production in 2010-2012*, tons

    40. Dynamics of other macaroni products made of wheat flour production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    41. Dynamics of the Russian production of vermicelli in 2010-2012*, tons

    42. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian short vermicelli production in 2010-2012*, tons

    43. Dynamics of short vermicelli production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    44. Dynamics of short vermicelli production in the main regions of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    45. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian long vermicelli production in 2010-2012*, tons

    46. Dynamics of long vermicelli production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    47. Dynamics of the Russian noodles production in 2010-2012*, tons

    48. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian short noodles production in 2010-2012*, tons

    49. Dynamics of short noodles production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    50. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian long noodles production in 2010-2012*, tons

    51. Dynamics of long noodles production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    52. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian instant macaroni products production in 2010-2012*, tons

    53. Dynamics of instant macaroni products production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    54. Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises by macaroni products production in 2009, tons

    55. Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises by macaroni production in 2009, tons

    56. Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises by elbows production in 2009, tons

    57. Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises by long tubular macaroni products production in 2009, tons

    58. Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises by vermicelli production in 2009, tons

    59. Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises by noodles production in 2009, tons

    60. Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises by fancy macaroni products production in 2009, tons

    61. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian macaroni products export in general in physical terms (besides Kazakhstan) in 2009-2012*, tons

    62. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian macaroni products export in general in cost terms besides Kazakhstan in 2009-2012*, ths dollars

    63. Dynamics of the Russian export of macaroni products in general in physical terms by months in 2009-October 2012*, tons

    64. Dynamics of the Russian export of macaroni products in general by months in cost terms in 2009-October 2012*, ths dollars

    65. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian macaroni products export without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs, in 2009-2012*, tons

    66. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian macaroni products export without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs, in 2009-2012*, ths dollars

    67. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked otherwise in 2007-2012*, tons

    68. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked without heat treatment in 2007-2012*, ths dollars

    69. Dynamics of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed or not cooked otherwise by months in 2009-October 2012*, tons

    70. Dynamics of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed or not cooked otherwise, by monthsin 2009-October 2012*, ths dollars

    71. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise in physical terms in 2007-2012*, tons

    72. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise in cost terms in 2007-2012*, ths dollars

    73. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian macaroni products import in general in physical terms in 2007-2012*, tons

    74. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian macaroni products import in general in cost terms in 2007-2012*, ths dollars

    75. Dynamics of the Russian import of macaroni products in general by months in physical terms in 2007-October 2012, tons

    76. Dynamics of the Russian import of macaroni products in general by months in cost terms in 2007-October 2012, ths dollars

    77. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian stuffed macaroni products import in 2007-2012*, tons

    78. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian stuffed macaroni products import in 2007-2012*, ths dollars

    79. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products not stuffed in physical terms in 2009-2012*, tons

    80. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products not stuffed in cost terms in 2009-2012*, ths dollars

    81. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products in physical terms in 2007-2012*, tons

    82. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products in cost terms in 2007-2012*, ths dollars

    83. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian import of cuscus in 2009-2012*, tons

    84. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian import of cuscus in 2009-2012*, ths dollars

    85. Dynamics of average producer prices for macaroni products in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    86. Dynamics of average producer prices for macaroni products by months in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    87. Dynamics of average producer prices for vermicelli in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    88. Dynamics of average producer prices for vermicelli by months in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    89. Dynamics of average producer prices for elbows in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    90. Dynamics of average producer prices for elbows by months in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    91. Dynamics of average consumer prices for macaroni products made of wheat flour of the highest grade in 2009-November 2012*, rub/kg

    92. Dynamics of average consumer prices for macaroni products made of wheat flour of the highest grade by months in 2009-November 2012*, rub/kg

    93. Dynamics of average consumer prices for vermicelli in 2009-November 2012*, rub/kg

    94. Dynamics of average consumer prices for vermicelli by months in 2009-November 2012*, rub/kg

    95. Consumer preferences by brands of macaroni products in 2011, %

    96. Consumer preferences by types of macaroni products in 2011, %

    97. Frequency of macaroni consumption by residents of Russia

    98. Average frequency of macaroni products purchases in Russia by months in 2007-2009, times

    99. Places of macaroni products purchases by residents of Russia

    100. Selection criteria of macaroni products by residents of Russia

    101. The main factors determining the choice of macaroni products among the residents of the largest cities of RF, %

    102. The main factors determining the choice of packed macaroni products among the residents of the largest cities of RF, %

    List of diagrams:

    1. Structure of macaroni products retail sales by federal districts in 2012*, %

    2. Change of structure of macaroni products retail sales by federal districts of RF in 2009-2012*, %

    3. Structure of macaroni products retail sales by federal districts in 2012*, %

    4. Structure of macaroni products retail sales by federal districts in 2009-2012*, %

    5. Import content on the Russian market of macaroni products in physical terms in 2012*, %

    6. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market of macaroni products in physical terms in 2010-2012*, %

    7. Segmentation of macaroni products market by types of in physical terms in 2012*, %

    8. Segmentation of macaroni products market by groups of in physical terms in 2012*, %

    9. Segmentation of macaroni products market by classes of in physical terms in 2012*, %

    10. Segmentation of macaroni products market by packing method in 2012*, %

    11. Segmentation of macaroni products market by production technology in 2010, %

    12. Shares of the main players on the Russian market of macaroni products in cost terms, %

    13. Shares of the main players on the Russian market of macaroni products in physical terms, %

    14. Structure of the Russian production of flour for macaroni products by grade in 2012, %

    15. Change of structure of the Russian highest grade flour production by federal districts in 2009-2012*, %

    16. Change of structure of the Russian highest grade flour production by the largest regions in 2009-2012*, %

    17. Change of structure of the Russian first grade flour production by federal districts in 2009-2012*, %

    18. Change of structure of the Russian first grade flour production by the largest regions in 2009-2012*, %

    19. Structure of the Russian production of macaroni products by types of in 2012*, %

    20. Change of structure the Russian macaroni production products in general by federal districts in 2010-2012*, %

    21. Structure of the Russian production of macaroni products in general by federal districts in 2012*, %

    22. Change of regional structure of the Russian macaroni production products in general in 2009-2012*, %

    23. Regional structure of the Russian production of macaroni products in general in 2012*, %

    24. Structure of the Russian production of macaroni by federal districts in 2012*, %

    25. Change of structure the Russian macaroni production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    26. Change of regional structure of the Russian macaroni production in 2009-2011, %

    27. Regional structure of the Russian production of macaroni in 2011, %

    28. Change of structure the Russian fancy macaroni products production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    29. Structure of the Russian production of fancy macaroni products by federal districts in 2012*, %

    30. Regional structure of the Russian production of fancy macaroni products in 2012*, %

    31. Change of structure the Russian elbows production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    32. Structure of the Russian production of elbows by federal districts in 2012*, %

    33. Change of regional structure of the Russian elbows production in 2010-2011, %

    34. Change of structure the Russian bows production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    35. Structure of the Russian production of bows by federal districts in 2012*, %

    36. Regional structure of the Russian production of bows in 2012*, %

    37. Change of structure the Russian other macaroni products made of wheat flour production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    38. Structure of the Russian production of other macaroni products made of wheat flour by federal districts in 2012*, %

    39. Regional structure of the Russian production of other macaroni products made of wheat flour in 2012*, %

    40. Structure of the Russian production of vermicelli by types of in 2012*, %

    41. Change of structure the Russian short vermicelli production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    42. Structure of the Russian production of short vermicelli by federal districts in 2012, %

    43. Change of regional structure of the Russian short vermicelli production in 2009-2011, %

    44. Regional structure of the Russian production of short vermicelli in 2012*, %

    45. Change of structure the Russian long vermicelli production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    46. Structure of the Russian production of long vermicelli by federal districts in 2012*, %

    47. Regional structure of the Russian production of long vermicelli in 2012*, %

    48. Structure of the Russian noodles production by types of in 2012*, %

    49. Change of structure the Russian short noodles production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    50. Structure of the Russian production of short noodles by federal districts in 2012*, %

    51. Regional structure of the Russian production of short noodles in 2012*, %

    52. Change of structure the Russian long noodles production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    53. Structure of the Russian production of long noodles by federal districts in 2012*, %

    54. Regional structure of the Russian production of long noodles in 2012*, %

    55. Change of structure the Russian instant macaroni products production by federal districts in 2010-2011, %

    56. Structure of the Russian production of instant macaroni products production by federal districts in 2012*, %

    57. Regional structure of the Russian production of instant macaroni products production in 2012*, %

    58. Structure of the Russian production of macaroni products by the largest enterprises in 2009, %

    59. Structure of the Russian production of macaroni by the largest enterprises in 2009, %

    60. Structure of the Russian production of elbows by the largest enterprises in 2009, %

    61. Structure of the Russian production of long tubular macaroni products by the largest enterprises in 2009, %

    62. Structure of the Russian production of vermicelli by the largest enterprises in 2009, %

    63. Structure of the Russian noodles production by the largest enterprises in 2009, %

    64. Structure of the Russian production of fancy macaroni products by the largest enterprises in 2009, %

    65. Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products by types of in physical terms in 2012*, %

    66. Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products by types of in cost terms in 2012*, %

    67. Change of structure the Russian macaroni products export in general by countries of destination in physical terms in 2009-2012*, %

    68. Change of structure the Russian macaroni products export in general by countries of destination in cost terms in 2009-2012*, %

    69. Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products in general by countries of destination in physical terms in 2012*, %

    70. Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products in general by countries of destination in cost terms in 2012*, %

    71. Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs, by countries of destination in physical terms in 2012*, %

    72. Structure of the Russian export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs, by countries of destination in cost terms in 2012*, %

    73. Change of structure the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed or not cooked otherwise by countries of destination in physical terms in 2009-2012*, %

    74. Change of structure the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed or not cooked otherwise by countries of destination in cost terms in 2009-2012*, %

    75. Structure of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed or not cooked otherwise by countries of destination in physical terms in 2012*, %

    76. Structure of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed or not cooked otherwise by countries of destination in cost terms in 2012*, %

    77. Change of structure the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by countries of destination in physical terms in 2009-2012*, %

    78. Change of structure the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by countries of destination in cost terms in 2009-2012*, %

    79. Structure of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by countries of destination in physical terms in 2012*, %

    80. Structure of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by countries of destination in cost terms in 2012*, %

    81. Structure of the Russian import of macaroni products by types of in physical terms in 2012, %

    82. Structure of the Russian import of macaroni products by types of in cost terms in 2012, %

    83. Change of structure the Russian macaroni products import in general by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2012*, %

    84. Change of structure the Russian macaroni products import in general by countries of origin in cost terms in 2009-2012*, %

    85. Structure of the Russian import of macaroni products in general by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012*, %

    86. Structure of the Russian import of macaroni products in general by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012*, %

    87. Change of structure the Russian stuffed macaroni products import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2012*, %

    88. Change of structure the Russian stuffed macaroni products import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2012*, %

    89. Structure of the Russian import of stuffed macaroni products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012*, %

    90. Structure of the Russian import of stuffed macaroni products by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012*, %

    91. Change of structure the Russian import of other macaroni products not stuffed by countries of origin in physical terms in 2009-2012*, %

    92. Change of structure the Russian import of other macaroni products not stuffed by countries of origin in cost terms in 2009-2012*, %

    93. Structure of the Russian import of other macaroni products not stuffed by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012*, %

    94. Structure of the Russian import of other macaroni products not stuffed by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012*, %

    95. Change of structure the Russian import of other macaroni products by countries of destination in physical terms in 2009-2012*, %

    96. Change of structure the Russian import of other macaroni products by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2012*, %

    97. Structure of the Russian import of other macaroni products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %

    98. Structure of the Russian import of other macaroni products by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012*, %

    99. Change of structure the Russian import of cuscus by countries of origin in physical terms in 2009-2012*, %

    100. Change of structure the Russian import of cuscus by countries of origin in cost terms in 2009-2012*, %

    101. The share of Russians consuming macaroni products, %

    102. Frequency of macaroni products purchases in Russia in 2011, %

    103. Volume of macaroni products purchases in Russia in 2011, %

    104. Preferences of sold by weight/packed macaroni products among the residents of the largest cities of RF, %

    105. Preferences of sold by weight/packed macaroni products among residents of Moscow, %

    106. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market of macaroni products in physical terms in 2010-2012* and forecast for 2013-2016, %

    List of tables:

    1. Number of population of the largest cities of Russia according to all-Russia Census of 2010, ths people

    2. Rating of countries producing macaroni products in 2011, tons

    3. Rating of countries by the level of macaroni products consumption in 2011, kg/person

    4. Volume of macaroni products retail sales in federal districts of RF in 2009- September 2012, ths rubles

    5. Volume of macaroni products retail sales in regions of RF in 2009-September 2012, ths rubles

    6. Tariff concessions of Russia for import macaroni products in the process of accession to the WTO

    7. Volumes of the Russian production of the highest grade flour by months in 2009- November 2012, tons

    8. Production volumes of the highest grade flour in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012*, tons

    9. Volumes of flour production in regions of RF in 2009-November 2012, tons

    10. Volumes of flour production of the first grade in federal districts of RF in 2009-2012*, tons

    11. Volumes of flour production of the first grade in regions of RF in 2009-November 2012, tons

    12. Volumes of the Russian production of macaroni products by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    13. Volumes of the Russian production of macaroni products by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    14. Production volumes of macaroni by federal districts of RF in 2010-2011, tons

    15. Volumes of macaroni production in regions in 2010-2011, tons

    16. Production volumes of fancy macaroni products by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    17. Production volumes of fancy macaroni products by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    18. Production volumes of elbows by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    19. Production volumes of elbows by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    20. Production volumes of bows by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    21.Volumes of the Russian production of bows by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    22. Production volumes of other macaroni products made of wheat flour by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    23. Production volumes of other macaroni products made of wheat flour by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    24. Production volumes of short vermicelli by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    25. Production volumes of short vermicelli by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    26. Production volumes of long vermicelli by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    27. Production volumes of long vermicelli by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    28. Volumes of the Russian production of short noodles by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    29. Production volumes of short noodles by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    30. Production volumes of long noodles by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    31. Production volumes of long noodles by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    32. Volumes of instant noodles production by federal districts in 2010-2011, tons

    33. Volume the Russian instant macaroni products production by regions in 2010-2011, tons

    34. Production volumes of stuffed macaroni products in 2010, tons

    35. Volumes of macaroni production products by the largest Russian producers in 2005-2009, tons

    36. The largest enterprises producing macaroni products by sales volumes in 2009-2011, ths rubles

    37. Production volumes of macaroni by the largest Russian producers in 2005-2009, tons

    38. The largest enterprises by sales volumes in 2009-2011, ths rubles

    39. Production volumes of elbows by the largest Russian producers in 2005-2009, tons

    40. The largest enterprises by sales volumes in 2009-2011, ths dollars.

    41. Production volumes of long tubular macaroni products by the largest Russian producers in 2005-2009, tons

    42. The largest enterprises by sales volumes in 2009-2011, ths rubles

    43. Production volumes of vermicelli by the largest Russian producers in 2005-2009, tons

    44. The largest producers of vermicelli by sales volumes in 2009-2011, ths rubles

    45. Production volumes of noodles by the largest Russian producers in 2005-2009, tons

    46. The largest enterprises producing noodles by sales volumes in 2009-2011, ths rubles

    47. Production volumes of fancy macaroni products by the largest Russian producers in 2005-2009, tons

    48. The largest enterprises by sales volumes in 2009-2011, ths rubles

    49. Volumes of the Russian macaroni products export by types of in physical terms in 2009-2012*, tons

    50. Volumes of the Russian macaroni products export by types of in cost terms in 2009-2012*, ths dollars

    51. Volumes of the Russian macaroni products export to Kazakhstan in 2009-October 2012, tons

    52. Volumes of the Russian macaroni products export to Kazakhstan in 2009-October 2012, ths dollars.

    53. Volume of the Russian export of macaroni products by months in physical terms in 2009-October 2012, tons

    54. Volume of the Russian export of macaroni products in cost terms in 2009-October 2012, ths dollars

    55. Volume of the Russian export of macaroni products in general in physical terms in 2009-October 2012, tons

    56. Volumes of the Russian macaroni products export in general in cost terms in 2009-October 2012, ths dollars

    57. Volumes of the Russian macaroni products export without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs, in physical terms by months in 2009-2012, tons

    58. Volumes of the Russian macaroni products export without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs, in cost terms by months in 2009-2012, tons

    59. Volume of the Russian export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs, in physical terms in 2009-October 2012, tons

    60. Volume of the Russian export of macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, containing eggs, in cost terms in 2009-October 2012, ths dollars

    61. Volume of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed or not cooked otherwise, in physical terms by months in 2009-2012, tons

    62. Volume of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment not stuffed or not cooked otherwise, in cost terms by months in 2009-2012, ths dollars.

    63. Volume of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, in physical terms by countries of destinationin 2007-October 2012, tons

    64. Volume of the Russian export of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked, in cost terms by countries of destinationin 2007-October 2012, ths dollars.

    65. Volume of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by months in physical terms in 2007-October 2012, tons

    66. Volume of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise by months in cost terms in 2007-October 2012*, ths dollars

    67. Volume of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise in physical terms in 2007-October 2012*, tons

    68. Volume of the Russian export of stuffed macaroni products, treated by heat or not or cooked otherwise in cost terms in 2007-October 2012*, ths dollars

    69. Volumes of the Russian import of macaroni products by types of in physical terms in 2009-2012*, tons

    70. Volumes of the Russian import of macaroni products by types of in cost terms in 2009-2012*, ths dollars

    71. Volume the Russian macaroni products import by months in physical terms in 2007-October 2012, tons

    72. Volume the Russian macaroni products import by months in cost terms in 2007-October 2012, ths dollars.

    73. Volumes of the Russian import of macaroni products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-October 2012, tons

    74. Volumes of the Russian import of macaroni products by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-October 2012, ths dollars

    75. Volume the Russian stuffed macaroni products import by months in physical terms in 2007-October 2012, tons

    76. Volume the Russian stuffed macaroni products import by months in cost terms in 2007-October 2012, ths dollars.

    77. Volume the Russian stuffed macaroni products import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-October 2012, tons

    78. Volume the Russian stuffed macaroni products import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-October 2012, ths dollars

    79. Volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products not stuffed in physical terms by months in 2009-October 2012, tons

    80. Volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products not stuffed by months in cost terms in 2009-October 2012, ths dollars

    81. Volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by countries of origin in physical termsin 2009-October 2012, tons

    82. Volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products without heat treatment, not stuffed and not cooked by countries of origin in cost termsin 2009-October 2012, ths dollars

    83. Volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products by months in physical terms in 2009-October 2012, tons

    84. Volume of the Russian import of other macaroni products by months in cost terms in 2009-October 2012, , ths dollars

    85. Volumes of the Russian import of other macaroni products by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-October 2012, tons

    86. Volumes of the Russian import of other macaroni products by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-October 2012, ths dollars

    87. Volume of the Russia cuscus import by months in physical terms in 2007-October 2012, tons

    88. Volume of the Russia cuscus import by months in cost terms in 2009-October 2012, ths dollars.

    89. Volume of the Russia cuscus import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2009-October 2012, tons

    90. Volume of the Russia cuscus import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2009-October 2012, ths dollars

    91. Average producer prices for macaroni products in RF by months in 2010-November 2012, rub/ton

    92. Average producer prices for vermicelli in RF by months in 2010-November 2012*, rub/ton

    93. Average producer prices for elbows in RF by months in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    94. Dynamics of average producer prices for fancy macaroni products in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    95. Dynamics of average producer prices for fancy macaroni products by months in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    96. Average producer prices for fancy macaroni products in RF by months in 2010-2012*, rub/ton

    97. Average producer prices for macaroni products by months in 2009- November 2012*, rub/kg

    98. Average consumer prices for vermicelli by months in 2009-November 2012, rub/kg

    99. Number of personnel of «Makfa» JSC, people

    100. Shareholders of «Makfa» JSC

    101. Production volumes of «Makfa» JSC

    102. Balance sheet of «Makfa» JSC, ths rubles

    103. Profit and loss statement of «Makfa» JSC, ths rubles

    104. Cash flow statement of «Makfa» JSC, ths rubles

    105. Financials of «Makfa» JSC

    106. Number of personnel of «KKHP after Grigorovich» JSC, people

    107. Shareholders of «KKHP after Grigorovich» JSC

    108. Production volumes of «KKHP after Grigorovich» JSC

    109. Balance sheet of «KKHP after Grigorovich» JSC, ths rubles

    110. Profit and loss statement of «KKHP after Grigorovich» JSC, ths rubles

    111. Cash flow statement of «KKHP after Grigorovich» JSC, ths rubles

    112. Financials of «KKHP after Grigorovich» JSC

    113. Number of personnel of «Extra M» JSC, people

    114. Shareholders of «Extra M» JSC

    115. Production volumes of «Extra M» JSC

    116. Balance sheet of «Extra M» JSC, ths rubles

    117. Profit and loss statement of «Extra M» JSC, ths rubles

    118. Cash flow statement of «Extra M» JSC, ths rubles

    119. Financials of «Extra M» JSC

    120. Number of personnel of «MELNIK» JSC, people

    121. Shareholders of «MELNIK» JSC

    122. Production volumes of «MELNIK» JSC

    123. Balance sheet of «MELNIK» JSC, ths rubles

    124. Profit and loss statement of «MELNIK» JSC, ths rubles

    125. Cash flow statement «MELNIK» JSC, ths rubles

    126. Financials of «MELNIK» JSC

    127. Number of personnel of «Lipetskkhlebmacaronprom» JSC, people

    128. Shareholders of «Lipetskkhlebmacaronprom» JSC

    129. Production volumes of «Lipetskkhlebmacaronprom» JSC

    130. Balance sheet of «Lipetskkhlebmacaronprom» JSC, ths rubles

    131. Profit and loss statement of «Lipetskkhlebmacaronprom» JSC, ths rubles

    132. Cash flow statement of «Lipetskkhlebmacaronprom» JSC, ths rubles

    133. Financials of «Lipetskkhlebmacaronprom» JSC

    List of schemes:

    1. Classification of macaroni products by groups

    2. Classification of macaroni products by types

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